Release Process

This process describes the steps to execute in order to release a new version of SimPy.


  1. Close all tickets for the next version.

  2. Update the minimum required versions of dependencies in setup.cfg. Update the development dependencies in requirements-dev.txt.

  3. Run tox from the project root. All tests for all supported versions must pass:

    $ tox
    ________ summary ________
    py36: commands succeeded
    py37: commands succeeded
    py38: commands succeeded
    pypy3: commands succeeded
    docs: commands succeeded
    flake8: commands succeeded
    mypy: commands succeeded
    congratulations :)
  4. Build the docs (HTML is enough). Make sure there are no errors and undefined references.

    $ make -C docs html
  5. Check if all authors are listed in AUTHORS.txt.

  6. Update the change log (CHANGES.rst). Only keep changes for the current major release in CHANGES.rst and reference the history page from there.

  7. Write a draft for the announcement mail with a list of changes, acknowledgements and installation instructions. Everyone in the team should agree with it.

Build and release

  1. Make local tag for new release. This tag will be pushed later, after checking the build artifacts. If anything is not right, this tag can be deleted and recreated locally before pushing to GitLab.

    $ git tag -a -m "Tag a.b.c release" a.b.c
  2. Test the build process. Build a source distribution and a wheel package and test them:

    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
    $ ls dist/
    simpy-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl simpy-a.b.c.tar.gz

    Try installing them:

    $ rm -rf /tmp/simpy-sdist  # ensure clean state if ran repeatedly
    $ virtualenv /tmp/simpy-sdist
    $ /tmp/simpy-sdist/bin/pip install dist/simpy-a.b.c.tar.gz


    $ rm -rf /tmp/simpy-wheel  # ensure clean state if ran repeatedly
    $ virtualenv /tmp/simpy-wheel
    $ /tmp/simpy-wheel/bin/pip install dist/simpy-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl

    It is also a good idea to inspect the contents of the distribution files:

    $ tar tzf dist/simpy-a.b.c.tar.gz
    $ unzip -l dist/simpy-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  3. Create or check your accounts for the test server and PyPI. Update your ~/.pypirc with your current credentials:

    index-servers =
    username = <your pypi username>
    repository =
    username = <your testpypi username>
  4. Upload the distributions for the new version to the test server and test the installation again:

    $ twine upload -r testpypi dist/simpy*a.b.c*
    $ pip install -i simpy
  5. Check if the package is displayed correctly on the test PyPI:

  6. Push tag for a.b.c release to GitLab. Upon successful build and test, the GitLab CI pipeline will deploy the tagged release to the production PyPI service.

    $ git push origin master a.b.c
  7. Check the status of the GitLab CI pipeline:

  8. Check if the package is displayed correctly on PyPI:

  9. Finally, test installation from PyPI:

    $ pip install -U simpy

Post release

  1. Activate the documentation build for the new version.

  2. Send the prepared release announcement to the SimPy group.

  3. Update Wikipedia entries.